Board of Directors
The CCDA Board of Directors is composed of Presidents Council, Secretary, Treasurer, and appointed, voting Directors
Executive Committee of the Board ("Presidents Council") - elected
Officers of the Full Board
Advisory Council
The President may appoint Chairs for each of the below listed categories, who collectively form the Advisory Council. Chairs and Committee members are advisory only, and do not have a vote at the Board of Directors meetings although they may propose and submit actions to the Board of Directors for approval. Chairs and Committee members can make consensus-based decisions within their own committees, but must seek Board approval when required (for example, including but not limited to decisions affecting CCDA’s budget, organizational structure, voting/membership rights, CCDA events, etc.) The Advisory Council may include, but is not limited to, the following categories:
Repertoire and Resource Committee (appointed)
Subcommittee Chairs (chairs may designate sub-committee members to carry out the program)
Conference/Event Committee Chairs (appointed)
Communications Committee (appointed)
The CCDA Board of Directors is composed of Presidents Council, Secretary, Treasurer, and appointed, voting Directors
President Arlie Langager (2023-2025)
President Elect Kristina Nakagawa (2023-2025)
Vice President Chris Peterson (2023-2025)
Officers of the Full Board
Secretary/Executive Administrator Kathleen Preston (ex officio)
Treasurer (appointed) Genevieve Tep (2023-)
Membership Director (appointed) Molly Peters
Development Director (appointed) Daniel Afonso
Director at Large - retired members; northern CA (appointed) Bill Zinn (appointed 2024-)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Belonging Director (appointed) Kellori Dower (2024-)
K-12 School Programs Director (appointed) Patrick Burzlaff (2024-)
Community Choirs and Music in Worship Director (appointed) Buddy James (2024-)
Education and Student Outreach Director (appointed) Cari Earnhart (2024-)
The President may appoint Chairs for each of the below listed categories, who collectively form the Advisory Council. Chairs and Committee members are advisory only, and do not have a vote at the Board of Directors meetings although they may propose and submit actions to the Board of Directors for approval. Chairs and Committee members can make consensus-based decisions within their own committees, but must seek Board approval when required (for example, including but not limited to decisions affecting CCDA’s budget, organizational structure, voting/membership rights, CCDA events, etc.)
The Advisory Council may include, but is not limited to, the following
Subcommittee Chairs (chairs may designate sub-committee members to carry out the program)
Two-year College Chair Karen Miskell
Community Youth Chair Kent Jue
Choral Composition Chair Zanaida Robles
High School Chair
Jr. High/Middle School Chair
Music in Worship Chair Steve Kim
SSAA Choirs Chair Iris Levine
TTBB Choirs Chair Albert Mabeza
Vocal Jazz and A Cappella Pop Chair Andreas Preponis
Conference/Event Committee Chairs (appointed)
All-State Honor Choir Chairs Jenni Gaderlund/Susanna Peeples (2025)
Central Honor Choir Chair Marc McGhee (2024); Coastal Honor Choir Chair Kira Dixon (2024)
CASMEC Chair Jennifer Heder (2025)
Choral Leadership Academy Chair Cari Earnhart (CASMEC)
Summer Conference Chair Jeffe Huls (2023-2025)
Communications Committee (appointed)
Cantate Magazine Editor Eliza Rubenstein
Social Media Coordinator
Website Kelly Walker
Web Editor John Nguyen
Email Coordinator Emily Moore
Executive Administrator Kathleen Preston (ex officio)